20 photos   263 visits

member since 16 October 2010

xSelMGomez - Fake

Gsh , Look at her page . she's a fake . and i can show u . a lot of ppl was saying me that she's a fake . ;) and i take some profos that she's just a BIG fake .

So , check the pics . ohh and these : " big proofs " she just crop the pics and she was rotate the pic ;) Easy .
Copied From XxSelenaGomezXx
Copied From XxSelenaGomezXx
I have these pics 2 ;) From Selena's Facebook.
I have these pics 2 ;) From Selena's Facebook.
just 2 pics ? LoL
just 2 pics ? LoL
Don't puck me !
Don't puck me !

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